I am feeling better. There is improvement. I am working on my stamina and my mobility by walking daily. I was even able to accomplish a little bit of yard work on the weekend. I do fade quickly. Not as bad as it was a few weeks ago but certainly nowhere near normal. My voice has been raspy and my throat has been more sore of late, both signs that the radiation continues to work. There are times when the heat generated in my throat is very noticeable. I don’t sleep through the night, primarily a function of water intake. I can tell you that my kidney’s are functioning just fine. I am able to handle liquids without problem, Terrie’s calorie cocktails, water, I had a Booster Juice concoction this week and have had watered down fruit juices.
Watermelon! I was able to eat a bowl full of watermelon. 10 pieces, each two bites. Chewing was the weird part but with the water content I was able to swallow comfortably. I am now going to be trying other food such as pudding and cantaloupe in an effort to find a path to solid food. I do have to get used to chewing again. My mouth and throat aren’t quite ready for BBQ. I still have sores deep in my throat. All part of being patient as the recovery process unfolds.
I want to attempt a return to work next week. I don’t see it as more than a couple of hours a day in the beginning. Need to build up strength and get my brain functioning again.
I saw the Chemo Oncologist this week, the first of a series of follow up appointments with various doctors, leading to a cat scan in June to determine if they have been able to eradicate the cancer. I will keep you in the loop about outcomes. The chemo guy seemed pleased with my progress and assured me that in most cases, the chemo side-effects I have suffered will eventually go away. The next doctor appointment is with the vascular surgeon to see what’s up with my leg, post blood clot surgery.
I licensed my classic car on Friday. It needs a little work this year but drives nice regardless especially when the sun is shining. Need to get the rear end re-built to eliminate the whine.
We had our old neighbours from Saskatoon pay us a visit for the past four days. Leonard is a retired farmer and a master gardener. He brought his work clothes and transformed our yard. Planted 13 cedar trees. Trimmed all hedges and lilac bushes. Fertilized the lawn and helped Terrie plant a couple of her pots. Now I’ll have to get my leg working well enough to be able to cut the lawn. Looks like it will need it twice a week.