The real food experiments continue with mostly successful outcomes. I have managed a couple of total meals with the family, something that hasn’t been possible since February. I am becoming a big fan of sauces and gravy. Food I can’t eat by itself is suddenly quite acceptable with sauces and/or gravy. Last Thursday was the first time in four months that I was able to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner on the same day. It was glorious. It’s not every day yet as Terrie’s calorie cocktails remain a major part of my diet. My throat continues to change constantly. Had some swelling for a couple of days this week. The sting factor can be most irritating, unfortunately self inflicted for the most part as I try different foods. Had one day where the tomatoes were more acidic, pickled asparagus tasted great but the vinegar played havoc. I made the mistake of having a pinacolada and a piece of something I chewed got stuck. The result was hours of discomfort before it finally settled down.
We went to the Peach City Beach Cruise on Saturday in Penticton. More than 800 muscle cars and hotrods on display. Some absolutely spectacular cars, especially some of the rods. Here’s the good news. I was able to walk the site with only one stop for cramping in my leg, in the heat. I was tired but it felt great to actually do something “normal”. Boy did I sleep on Saturday night.
Overall, I am feeling pretty good. Having patience continues to be a challenge. The trick is still to do enough but not too much. Enough to satisfy the urge to get busy but not so much that the body rebels.
Catscan on the neck, July 8.